Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Full Length - Angel Hard (1996)



Cast : Eruka Bella, Maeva, Roberto Malone, Pussycat, Jocelyn, Beth Daylor, Max Renna
Format : AVI (X-Vid) NTSC
Audio: 56kps MPEG Layer-3
Video: 1432 kps
Run Time : 59:39
Size : 626 mb
Resolution : 640 x 480
Language: Italian(?)
Notes: "This rip comes from my old vhs copy, and right off the bat- it's missing the 1st 15 minutes or so. (...Sorry.) BUT, the rest of the film is fully intact, and since it's only in Italian- most of you won't need a synopsis to let you know what you've missed out on- or what the movie's about (... think total rip off of Micky Rourke's "Angel Heart" except with the "clever" word play in the title.) Production wise, it's shot very well, and the cast consists of some of the hottest mid-90's Euro stars. Erika Bella is smoking HOT and NASTY throughout; this movie is a definite one to add to the ol' "spank bank"! Actually- this RARE gem could've been great (imo), if they had shot it with an English speaking cast; but the trade off with using American starlets of the time would've SEVERELY weakened the "hotness": I'm very biased, and I will debate/argue to the death that the BEST looking, on screen, bangers came from across the pond during the 90's. Bottom line: 10 "Jenna's" doesn't even equal half a Laure Sainclair, or an Erika Bella. It's a fact...period. End of rant; go do your right click- "save target as" thingy, and continue to thank whatever deity you choose that I exist solely to share my porn with you. (lol) Enjoy."
File Sizes: 1- 6 = 95.7 mb, file 7 = 48.7 mb
Pass 4 All of My Files = Smutbroker


Anonymous said...

Erica Bella, an all time great - your observations regarding the origins of the best girls remains true, in many cases, to this day.

I look forward to ongoing perusal.

Best wishes and thank you for these works.

Smutbroker said...

Thanks Oxna - I agree with you 100%! Thanks for following my blog, too.